Partnering to Build Capacity: Atlantic Canada Mentorship Program 2022-2026
Calling all women-owned businesses!
The Centre for Women in Business together with WBE Canada are recruiting Women Business Owners, who are diverse suppliers, for our virtual mentorship program. Open to all 4 Atlantic Provinces, this mentorship and training program will pair eligible participants with a corporate mentor and a WBE Canada experienced WBE certified mentor, helping women business owners understand the process required to find, bid on, and win contracts, helping them gain a foothold in the supply chain of large corporations.
Mentee Program Benefits:
- Most large companies with a supplier diversity program require certification from diverse suppliers – certification provides the best opportunity for organizations/corporates to discover and hire your company
- Learn from subject matter experts (corporate and WBE mentors)
- WBE Canada supply chain training will cover a variety of topics such as responding to an RFP, making a pitch, developing a capability statement) – learn to meet the requirements of corporate or government buyers
- Peer networking – other certified businesses are more likely to recommend your business for a product or service they don’t provide
- Certification provides opportunity to participate in networking, development, and educational events that other small businesses don’t have access to; certification means you can list your company in supplier databases.
- Most supplier diversity programs will contact you only if you are certified so you could be missing out on opportunities
- Buying locally is extremely important for corporations to support the city in which they are located
- Mentors from corporate can mean you have access to large supply chains
- Experienced WBE mentors can guide through building capacity in your company
- Use your certification as a marketing/promotional tool
- Build network and support of other Atlantic WBE’s in group training and mastermind sessions as sounding board and idea generation
Mentee Training Benefits:
- Increase knowledge of working with larger organizations and supply chains
- Develop capability statement
- Develop an initial “pitch” for corporations
- Identify areas to build capacity in your organization to fulfill a large contract
- Identify potential topics for mentor sessions
- Learn networking with large supply chains
Spots are limited to 10 mentees per cohort.
Apply now!
Interested in learning more but not sure where to start? Sign-up for our program waitlist or intro course today.
Questions? Contact Judith Richardson.