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Power Lunch

Power Lunch is back for its tenth year!

You’re invited to join us as we serve up our Power Lunch featuring workshops from selected members to deliver expertise you can use to grow your business. Our Power Lunch leaders will walk you through information on a range of business topics, offer key takeaways, and answer your questions.

As this year’s sessions are free for participants, we ask that you keep your registration to no more than two sessions, to allow for a larger diversity of attendees.

PLEASE NOTE: If your desired session is full, you can fill out the waitlist to be notified if spots open up.

2023/2024 Power Lunch Schedule:

  • October 31st, 2023 – Navigating Blind Spots for Leadership Growth – Ange MacCabe
  • November 28th,  2023 – Mastering Chat GPT for Non-Techies – Melissa Lloyd
  • December 12th, 2023 – RE-SCHEDULED to January 23, 2024 – Time Management: Add Peace and Prosperity to your Life and Business – Heather Abbott
  • January 30th, 2024 – Raise the bar in your Customer Experience – Nicole Osmond
  • February 27th, 2024 – Grants! Learn to Love ‘EM – Vanessa Burns
  • March 26th, 2024 – Resilience for Entrepreneurs – Karen Dean
  • April 23rd, 2024 – Shine Your Light – MacKenzie Costron
  • June 25th, 2024 – Stop Using ChatGPT Until You Do This: Master the Art of Prompting – Melissa Lloyd



Power Lunch One

Date: October 31st, 2023

Power Lunch Speaker: Ange MacCabe

Company: Intuity Performance

Program Title: Navigating Blind Spots for Leadership Growth

Learn to recognize your growth areas and apply your leadership skills effectively in the workplace.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this Power lunch you will:

  1. Use an Enhanced Leadership Awareness assessment to gain insights into areas requiring growth.
  2. Discuss Comprehensive Leadership Skills.
  3. Develop an Individualized Action Plan to address roadblocks, support needs, and commitments, utilizing coach-oriented questions and worksheets.

Power Lunch Two

Date: November 28th, 2023

Power Lunch Speaker: Melissa Lloyd

Company: Aigility Hub

Program Title: Mastering Chat GPT for Non-Techies

Are you wondering about the Chat GPT tool and how you can utilize it in your business?

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this program, participants will be able to:

  1. Utilize AIRPM Method: Apply the Ask, Input, Review, Modify, and Prompt (AIRPM) method to effectively communicate and interact with ChatGPT.
  2. Create Effective Prompts: that yield relevant and tailored responses from ChatGPT, enhancing communication outcomes.

 Power Lunch Three

Date: December 12th, 2023 RE-SCHEDULED to January 23, 2024

Power Lunch Speaker: Heather Abbott

Company: Prosperity & Possibilities Presentations Inc. and Abbott Wealth Education

Program Title: Time Management: Add Peace and Prosperity to your Life and Business

We all have the same number of hours in the day. How we manage that time can be different for all of us and some struggle to get everything done or create a balance.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this workshop participants will:

  • Clearly demonstrate the effect of multitasking on profit, performance, and satisfaction
  • Implement the 4 main options for task management
  • Identify where their time is spent and how to associate a dollar value to activities
  • Evaluate activities and substitute for higher income producing tasks as needed
  • Develop a flexible schedule with focus time for high productivity

Register now.

Power Lunch Four

Date: January 30th, 2024

Power Lunch Speaker: Nicole Osmond

Company: A Better Way Consulting

Program Title: Raise the bar in your Customer Experience

You are in business to serve your customers. How you provide a valuable customer experience is important to the sustainability of your business.

Learning Objectives:

In this work shop participants will:

  • Explore successes and gaps in Customer Experience, and why it matters.
  • Develop key Customer Experience metrics to measure and evaluate performance.
  • Identify key customer touchpoints and activities in your customer’s journey and discover ways to boost Customer Experience throughout.

Register now.

Power Lunch Five

Date: February 27th, 2024

Power Lunch Speaker: Vanessa Burns

Company: Vanessa Burns Consulting

Program Title: Grants! Learn to Love ‘EM

Boost your grant application confidence. This 1.5-hour “Grants: A Comprehensive Guide” workshop equips business owners and teams to confidently pursue grants and ensure their businesses are grant-ready.

 Learning Objectives:

 By the end of this interactive workshop you will:

  • Differentiate between at least three grant types and articulate the unique benefitsyou’re your business.
  • Evaluate your businesses eligibility for different grant opportunities and understand the criteria funders use to award grants.
  • Identify suitable grants, and craft a concise impact statement

Register now.

 Power Lunch Six

Date: March 26th, 2024

Power Lunch Speaker: Karen Dean

Company: Karen Dean Inc. and Fierce Publishing

Program Title: Resilience for Entrepreneurs

Resilience is an important attribute for entrepreneurs. In this workshop you will gain a deeper understanding of resilience and practical tools to navigate challenges confidently, fostering a resilient mindset to enhance their entrepreneurial success.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Define resilience and articulate its importance in the context of entrepreneurship.
  • Assess your personal strengths and areas for growth in terms of resilience.
  • Implement self-compassion techniques to manage stress and setbacks more effectively.
  • Apply practical strategies to maintain a positive outlook and adaptability in the face of obstacles.
  • Emphasize the importance of self-care for sustainable entrepreneurship.
  • Formulate actionable steps to incorporate resilience principles into your entrepreneurial endeavors.

Register now.

Power Lunch Seven

Date: April 23rd , 2024

Power Lunch Speaker: MacKenzie Costron

Company: Costron + Co.

Program Title: Shine Your Light

Embark on a journey towards developing a heart-centered entrepreneurial mindset. This is important as entrepreneurs continue to face barriers including mental health, burnout, exhaustion, accessibility and equity. Discuss the profound ‘why’ behind your commitment to serve with love in your businesses.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this workshop you will:

  • Be introduced to the states of wisdom and loving kindness. We are called to hold space for these challenges while also moving into states of entrepreneur radiance and empowerment.
  • Integrate mindfulness practices with practical business strategies to support progressive steps forward to thrive as a business.

Register now.

Power Lunch Eight

Date: June 25th , 2024

Power Lunch Speaker: Melissa Lloyd

Company: Aigility Hub

Program Title: Stop Using ChatGPT Until You Do This: Master the Art of Prompting – Melissa Lloyd

This workshop will teach participants how to craft effective prompts for ChatGPT and other LLMs (large language models). They will learn key techniques, advanced strategies, and practical applications to use these models efficiently and effectively in various situations.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this workshop you will know:

  • The basics of large language models – Learn how language models work, including how they break down text and use context
  • Advanced prompting techniques – Use techniques to set up prompts effectively, guide the model’s thinking, and adjust settings for better responses
  • Methods of practice and improvement – Try different ways to ask questions, improve based on feedback, and assess the model’s answers

Register now.

For more information:

Eirinn Fraser – Business Advisor, Cape Breton