Support Nova Scotia’s women in business:



Nora Perry

Manager of Programs and Special Projects


Nora is a Business Advisor with a specialty in learning and development. She wants to guide clients on a learning journey to grow their business. She is spot-on at identifying gaps in the entrepreneurial skill set and honing in on strengths that can be channeled to take a business idea from good to great.

Nora conducts research and evaluations for workshops that are focused on goals and tailored to the needs of our community: the young, the newly established, the business veterans. She gets that time is a got commodity so you won’t come out of a workshop wondering why; you will always leaving knowing how. Nora also leads the Blueprint for Success (TM) program both online and in the classroom.

Nora herself has been an entrepreneur off and on for over 30 years. She understands the kinds of things that small business owners need to be aware of: knowledge that can make or break your success.

Nora holds a certificate in Human Resources from Saint Mary’s University, a Certificate in Adult Education from Dalhousie University and a Master of Education from Mount Saint Vincent University. Nora is a part-time instructor in the MSVU Business Department and when she has spare time, she is an avid modern quilter.