For students: Tackling Climate Change
February 18, 2021
12:00 pm - 1:00 pmThis workshop is part of the Atlantic Virtual Networkshop Series for students from MSVU, UPEI, CBU, Dal, UNB, SMU and MUN.
Tackling Climate Change
Against a backdrop of climate change, resource scarcity, the massive loss of biodiversity and a variety of other environmental issues, business as usual is increasingly risky for the future of our economy. While the green economy was initially driven by environmental imperatives, today, it is equally driven by the realization that a green economy opens up new possibilities for innovation and growth. It is no longer about the environment versus the economy. Both are equally important. This realization is at the heart of an emerging “green economy.”
Join us as we learn to search for startup ideas within this emerging sector and the resources available to take it beyond the idea stage.
For more information: